City Hall Records Catalog

Independent Record Distribution since 1973
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Showing labels beginning with E

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EA  EB  EC  ED  EE  EF  EG  EH  EI  EJ  EK  EL  EM  EN  EO  EP  EQ  ER  ES  ET  EU  EV  EW  EX  EY  EZ  E0  E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  E6  E7  E8  E9  Other 

Click on the Label name to see a list of Artists on that label.

Label LabelCode
E3 Records ETR
Eagle EGL
Eagle Rock Entertainment EAG
Earmark ERM
Earth Angel EAN
Earth Wave EWP
Earthflight EFP
Earwig EAR
East 280 EAT
East River Records ERV
Eastwest EWS
Eclecto Groove Records EGR
Eclipse ECP
Edith Crash EDH
Edsel EDS
Edwards Ent. EDW
Edwin Hawkins Productions EHP
Egyptian Empire EGY
Einprodukt EIN
Ekapa Records EKA
Ektro EKT
El Sonido ELS
Electric Cat ECA
Electric Pudding EPD
Electric Records ETC
Electric Valley EVY
Electro Eternal ELE
Electro-fi EFI
Eleganz EGZ
Elektra ELK
Elektra Catalog Group ECW
Elektra Entertainment ELW
Elephant ELP
Elephant EPT
Elm City ECY
Elpine Records EPN
Embarka Records EMB
Embryo EBY
Emetic EMC
Emi Nashville EMN
Emit Doog Music EDM
Emortal Thugs EMT
Empathy EMA
Empress - Uk EPR
Encore ENC
Encore - Uk ENR
End Sounds ESO
Endangered Species END
Enter The Bay/bars Llc. ETB
Enterprise ENP
Entropy Stereo Recordings EST
Epic EPS
Epic EPC
Epic/legacy Cat EPL
Epic/mjj EJJ
Epiphany EPI
Episode ESP
Total: 81 : Showing 0 - 62 MoreNext
All text and graphics © 2000-2010 City Hall Records,San Rafael,CA - All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated: 03/12/25