City Hall Records Catalog

Independent Record Distribution since 1973
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IA  IB  IC  ID  IE  IF  IG  IH  II  IJ  IK  IL  IM  IN  IO  IP  IQ  IR  IS  IT  IU  IV  IW  IX  IY  IZ  I0  I1  I2  I3  I4  I5  I6  I7  I8  I9  Other 

Click on the Label name to see a list of Artists on that label.

Label LabelCode
I-khan Dist. IKD
Iaca Records IAC
Ibis Recordings IBI
Ictus Records ICT
Iliad Records/k Records ILI
Illusory ILU
Imagina IMA
Imani Records IMN
Imi Records IMI
Immediate IMM
Immigrants IGT
Impex Records IPX
Impulse IPS
Impulse IPU
Impulse! IML
In Tone Music ITO
In Yo Face Filmworks INY
In-a-minute INA
In-a-minute/no Limit INO
Inakustik IKU
Incognito INC
India Archives NDA
Indianola Music Group IMG
Indica ICA
Indie INI
Indigo IND
Indus Recordings IDU
Infallible Records IFB
Infinita Records INF
Infrasonic IFR
Ingrooves ING
Ingrooves Fontana/island IFI
Init Records INS
Inlakesh INL
Inner City INR
Inner City 2k ICY
Inner City 2k ICR
Inner Knot INK
Inner Worlds Music INN
Instant Ecstasy IEC
Int'l Music Fac. IMF
Intense ITS
Intentcity ITT
International IRL
International Phonograph, Inc. IPG
Interscope ISC
Interscope ITR
Invisible Music INV
Ipecac IPC
Ipecac Recordings IPE
Irene Records IRE
Irmamerica IRM
Iron Pier IRO
Island ISS
Island ISL
Isn't It Amazing IIA
Total: 60 : Showing 0 - 60 MoreNext
All text and graphics © 2000-2010 City Hall Records,San Rafael,CA - All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated: 03/12/25